This was taken this afternoon after supper. The children are enjoying some lollipops while watching a Veggie Tales cartoon. I enjoyed seeing them relaxing together on the couch in their spots. The spots were assigned in order to maintain some semblence of order; so Jarod sits on the far end, Ayden in the middle, and Dianna in the foreground. Dianna claimed her spot just as soon as we moved into the house, and it turns out to be the best spot in the living room to watch tv from.
I love this picture because Dianna is snapping. She asked her Mama how to snap, and Barbie told her how to hold her fingers and what to do. That was last week. She kept at it everyday and now she snaps her fingers. Incredible. Willing to put in the time and the effort to accomplish her goal. Her snap is not a loud one, but definitely there to be heard. What a girl!
Well, that is all for now. "Oh. Pardon me, I just have one more thing to say." (That was a little Peter Faulk for you - Princess Bride or Columbo, either one.) We are currently under a hurricane warning or watch (I am not sure which). The hurricane (Ida) has since been downgraded to a tropical storm but is still expected to make landfall somewhere around midnight tonight, so really Nov. 10. We are in the center of the projected cone, but it could go either east or west. Please keep us in prayer. I am not expecting much other than a lot of rain and some wind. The Academy is closed until Thursday. So Barbie and the children will be home tomorrow and Wednesday. We will keep you all posted as the weather comes and goes. I or Barbie will post tomorrow. We will open Skype up tomorrow if anyone wants a live weather report from the panhandle. In case I don't see you, "Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, and good night." Alofa tele.
there's a hurricane??? i've been so zoned out at work and had no idea. Hoping you all are ok. Alofas...
It was a very non-storm. We are all fine and dandy. Lots of wind and rain but nothing serious. Thanks for your thoughts and prayes. Love you.
We've been watching the news and praying for your folks. All of our calls were incomplete and would not connect *boo-hoo for me* - glad to hear that you are all fine and safe. For the past 4 days it's been windy and rainy too; then today it's been so beautiful and sunny! go figure, a ea!? Because of the funny weather, ASTCA (American Samoa Tele-communications) and BlueSky (internet connections) have not been very cooperative so no SKYPE for us either....again, *boo-hoo for me!*
BUTTTTTTT----I love the pictures and updates! Congratulations genius granddaughter-princess! good job! keep it up and continue to hide God's Word in your heart as you grow in grace and joy in our Lord Jesus Christ. And Jarod, I know it won't be long before you'll be "snapping" along with your brilliant big sister and learning more and more verses every day. And I love how strong you are! What a big, strong boy our handsome prince is!!! Malo lava le taumafai!!! Hey Ayden - I see you're growing taller everyday too. Thanks for being a good boy and listening to Uncle & Auntie...
We love you folks! Thanks, Lan & Palepa, for keeping us posted. We look forward to more news from you all. Alofa tele atu from the islands.....xoxoxo muah! to everyone. Love, Mom & Dad
Update: Jarod started snapping about two days after this post. What a guy! Love you all.
what would be really great is when they can whistle with their fingers... Wow - great job folks with the children. I know the Lord is pleased to watch the growth of your your children, our grand children.
Yesterday was Kalala and Lima's oldest dtr's first birthday. It was a good day. Everything was well done. They did it the palagi and Samoan way lots of food, but not formal. There were several jumping castles and a silding castles which our kids didn't know how to use. They would run half way across the surface and then slide. Not a very long ride. Oh well it was just the matter of getting wet I think. Praise the Lord for you My Son and Barbie, keep up the good work with the children and the rewards will be great in Christ. Dad
Congratulations, Jarod! What a "snappy" lad you are! Love you! g'ma Ella & g'pa David xoxoxoxo
P.S. Love all of you & Dianna's coloring and drawings too! keep up the good work! muuaaaahhhhh!
Thank you for the encouragement. We love you all very much. It was so good to speak with you both this afternoon. Love you.
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