Saturday, September 19, 2009

All About Jarod

Hello, we just wanted to share this really neat school project that Jarod brought home on Friday. This is a little "growth" booklet that the two year olds did for their parents. It is so cute just to see how he has grown in such a short amount of time. We had to send in a picture of Jarod James for the front cover as you will see. Let us begin, shall we?

Here is one of the cutest covers of any book you will ever see.
Page two contains some vital statistics of our books hero. He is 35 inches tall (in Disney terms - 5 inches shy from being able to ride the big kid rides). Our protagonist weighs in right at 30 pounds.
Here we see how big his hands and feet are. I love how Jarod's foot almost takes up the entire box. He is growing so fast!
Here is the poem on the back cover of his book. He is so cute. I think he may have this memorized, but I am not sure.
This last picture is not part of the book, but he colored this all by himself. He si getting better at staying in the lines. He is learning. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this little look at Jarod's school work. We love you all so much. TTFN!!


Driftwood Girl said...

you have such a smart little boy! I love you Jarod! Take care of Dianna and Mommy and Daddy, Baby boy :)

David and Noella Tupua said...

Oh yes! thanks for sharing this special book all about our super-hero Jarod! Can't wait to see Toa and Leilani's books when they begin school. I was blessed with Dianna's copy of one of her first K3 books about shapes and colors....time is going by so fast and the children are growing up quickly....Amen! alofas and blessings to each of you! I also love the recent memory verse video clips...thanks again! xoxoxo mom