Monday, September 7, 2009

Chickens, Football, Spanish Conquistadors, and James?!?!

Welcome back to this edition of "Little Factoids of Our Lives that May or May Not Interest You", but hey, since you are here, let us get started shall we? This weekend, Barbie and the children had a three day weekend for Labor Day. We had a good weekend. James came down to visit us this weekend. It was so good to see him; we haven't seen him in maybe 2 1/2 years. He had not met Jarod yet, so that was exciting. The children had a blast with Uncle James. James is doing some training in Brunswick, GA for Border Patrol and had some leave time for the holiday. We had a good visit. Yesterday (Labor Day) was "wear-a-sports-team-logo-and-get-a-free-chicken-sandwich-day" at Chick-fil-a Restaurants. That was fun. We went to two of the three restaurants in town and recieved 12 chicken sandwiches, 2 drinks, and 3 waffle fries for under $7. I love these promotions that Chick-fil-a does. So we all dressed in Seminole, Gator, and Dolphin wear for our free sandwiches. The last two pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago, but I never blogged about I don't think. August 2009 marked the 450th anniversary of the Spanish landing and settling of Pensacaola. The park that the children are playing in the water at was named "De Luna Park", dedicated to someone of historic value in this era of history. This park was dedicated and named with the king and queen of Spain present here in Pensacola. Neat. The statue is of the De Luna explorer. Pretty nifty stuff.
Well, I must away. Jarod is home sick today. He is running a temperature. Please pray that he gets better and can return to school tomorrow. Ayden has been sick as well. We love you all; have a great day, everybody. Bye-bye.


Driftwood Girl said...

Cool! James came to visit :) Love all the pics and so glad the kiddies got to hang out with their uncle. I actually saw that commercial for Chic Fil A and realized we didn't have any team logos on anything! Sad us. You got away with an awesome deal, though. Sorry Jarod's sick. Pls kiss Buddy for us and let him know that we love him lots!

Talani Tupua said...

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Jarod is feeling better and will return to school tomorrow. Sorry I missed your Skype call. Maybe we can get together some other time. Love you.