Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello, Heidi!

Hello! We are doing very well. Dianna and Jarod did very well at the Master's Club tonight. They are learning their verses and being able to recite them well. Dianna came home with two more badges for her vest and 25 extra Master's Club Bucks. Jarod James said his verse and colored his project for this evening. He was excited about seeing his club leader tonight (who had been out for the last two weeks due to an ill child), but he was back and that made Jarod very happy.
In other news: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was in town this past week to build a house for a family. Below is a picture of the 3,600sf home built right here in Pensacola. I initially thought that the home was being built a little ways away, but upon doing more research, I found it was less than ten minutes away (and that was including traffic). The episode is a Chistmas Special due to air on December 12, 2010 on ABC. Cool, huh? Here is a picture of the Aiga setting out on Family Day. I think we were off to Publix and MacDonald's. They are so beautiful!! Lastly, a picture from the past. Jarod wasn't asking for much; just one Mariachi player.

Have a good week everyone. We love you and miss you very much. Bye for now!


Driftwood Girl said...

Nice EM house! Great photo of the family :) Love you guys!

David and Noella Tupua said...

Love the new pictures and news of the Masters Club members...good job, Jarod! Good job & congratulations on your new badges and Masters club dollars, Dianna! keep up the good work! G'pa David and I are so proud of you! Remember, one of the Bible verses tells us to hide God's Word in our hearts so that we will not sin against him. Thank you for your obedience and for your joy in going to Masters Club and Sunday School! We still didn't get a tv so won't be able to watch the Extreme Make over show in December but that sure is interesting - do you know the story behind the family who had the house make-over? Your family is beautiful, Lan! praise the Lord for all of you....have a good week, praying for you and missing everyone so much. Alofa tele, mom & dad

Talani Tupua said...

We love you and miss you. The story was something like the guy had a full ride scholarship to a college in Alabama, but left school to work as a lunch server at a local elementary school - to take care of his sister and her children. There is some controversary surrounding the story; there are rumors (as of right now, unfounded) of some felony record from the not-so-distant past of the gentleman, and also, whether he will be able to pay for the upkeep of the house. That is all for now. Love you.