Monday, November 7, 2011

Just Because

Here are some more pictures from this weekend. Jarod wants to know: "Which way to the beach?" Dianna and Jarod were playing ninja and super hero (so cute). These hats were made by some ladies in Fayetteville, NC for Audrey; we chose some hats and are planning to give the rest away. Love you all.


Driftwood Girl said...

Hi cutie ninja kids! :D Wow, cool hats, Audrey! Your head must be nice and toasty every day. ;)
It's so great you'll be able to bless some other little one.
I love Jarod's shirt!

michiganSamoan said...

I tell you wiggly, I will have you in my arms pretty soon.

That is a lot of hats. Good on you.

Love Dad and Mom

Talani Tupua said...

She will be her worth her weight in gold.