Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Tupuas Visit The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker is a 14 sail, 3 masted sea vessel that was built in Brazil and moved to Savannah,  GA. It is owned and crewed by an organization (more of a cult) known as the Twelve Tribes. Anyway, it was cool to go on board and see the ship up close. It was 47° out, so it was a bit nippy out at the water. We had a great time.  Hope you all have a great day. Love you.


Talani Tupua said...

In the last photo, the children are pretending to be pirates aboard their pirate ship.

michiganSamoan said...

Ho Ho! Avast, Me harties! Make ready to sail. Hoist the main sail!

Great job. Audry looks at home in her own boat! Praise the Lord.
Love you all. Waffle House!

Dad and Mom

Talani Tupua said...

Love you too! We had a blast.