Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Visit to the Allergist's Office

Well, the last three weeks have been really rough as far as the "welts" I get. Today I had an appointment and they ran some tests (tested for 30 different things to be exact); and boy did we test positive for allergies to things - 16 out of 30. I figure: "Go big or go home." ;) Mildly allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts. Really allergic to some other stuff, like oak and different grass types and other tree pollen. Oh, yeah, CATS too. Shocking!!! Just kidding, that was a joke. Everyone knew that already. Thanks, everyone for your prayers for me over the years.
The first picture is of the 6 food allergens on the right side of my back and the other photo is of the 24 outdoor/indoor allergens on my left side. What a reaction, huh?!
We may have to think about getting Audrey and Jarod tested at some point also. Love you all.


michiganSamoan said...

Hi son,
If you are willing to try this natural protocol for your allergies - I know it will get rid of them rather quickly. Remember how I used to break out every time I eat spicy food or get into the dust and dirt into my nostrils. Well, since I have been doing this natural treatment, I can eat all the spices I want with out breaking out. And the dust and dirt does not bother me any more. In fact I have not had a cold or flu in the last two years. Remember my reaction to chocolate. That is gone too. Its very simple and works. It will cure you of it, not just make the symptons go away.
So if you are willingly to try it - I will tell you and it is a whole lot cheaper than the doctors. Hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Love you Dad and Mom

Whaffle house! Hi Dianna, Jarod and Audrey.

Talani Tupua said...

Yes. I will give it a go. Do you want to email it to me or set up a time for us to talk? Either one is good. Love you.