Friday, May 10, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

Let it be written that on the ninth day of May, in the year of our LORD 2013, that Jarod James Talani Tupua participated in a program showcasing his amazing reading, math, and phonics skills. Along with fifty other students, Jarod James was a part of this program which resulted in the conferring of certificates of advancement into the next grade level.
Enough jibber-jabber. My son did amazing!!! Praise the LORD for HIS ability to learn and translate his learning into practical application. He was part of the reading demonstration, and he was the best reader out of the four. He also got to be part of the singing of the song: "Over in the Meadow" (in which he was the cutest little bunny you ever saw). We are so proud of him. We look forward to what the LORD has planned for him in the future. Love you all.


Driftwood Girl said...

Yay, Jarod! Congratulations!!

michiganSamoan said...

So let it be said and so let it be proclaimed. What is written by the king's hand cannot be changed!

So will it be done to whom the king is pleased with. Amen!

Wonderful job - Jarod!

Love you alot my son!

Dad and Mom