Sunday, April 26, 2009


Remember the woman from the parable who lost a coin and carefully searched her whole house, lighting a candle to see the dim corners until she found that coin? Well, I'm not her. I lost my engagement ring last February and did a so-so job of hunting for it around the apartment. I really thought I'd find it eventually, that it would show up somewhere. When it came time to move in July, I just knew somebody would come across it. I found my watch that I'd misplaced right around the same time as the ring, so chances were it would show up, right? Wrong. We moved out of that apartment and into our lovely home and I never once caught a glimpse of my beloved ring. I looked in all my cosmetic bags and purses. No luck. Well, 14 months after I lost the ring, Talani found it today. He was cleaning in our bedroom, going through a box that had been in the bottom of our closet since we moved into this house. There was a pair of chunky candle holders in the box, and he noticed that one had a broken base. Instead of just leaving the broken glass in the box to be thrown out, he lifted the base (for whatever reason) and there, beneath the glass, was my ring. Oh, how I've missed having it! How pleased I am that it's found! Thank You, Lord, that you restored to me that which throught carelessness I lost and through laziness never found. Thank You, Father, that You knew where my ring was all along and that you kept it safe for me. Thank You for teaching me that I didn't need it; thank You for loving me enough to allow me to have it anyway.


David and Noella Tupua said...

I rejoice with you in the restoration of your engagement ring! I know the feeling - it's happened to me so many, many times. Yay! time to celebrate! Love you - and love to share in your thankfulness to the Lord for giving it back to you. Praise the Lord! Love, Mom

David and Noella Tupua said...

Palepa - just wanted to tell you that I used your testimony on Monday evening as part of my devotion to reinforce to our ladies that in all things we can rejoice. I loved your prayer of thankfulness at the end of your blog post, thanking the Lord for restoring your ring to you and for the lesson that we all need to remember: That there are so many things that we value in this world over the things of God but how God will "hide" those things, loving us still, and then allowing us to "find" it again - giving us more reason to be thankful! The Lord bless you, dear Palepa, as you witness and minister at home, at work and in your community. Praise the Lord for you! Love, Mom. (P.S. Love and hugs and blessings to Lan, Dianna and Jarod!)

Driftwood Girl said...

So glad your ring was found!! It's amazing the little things that God knows matter to us. And He always provides :) Love you

Driftwood Girl said...

Yay!!!! I can comment!!! Thanks!