Alright here we go. Before we begin, can anyone tell me where I got the title for my post today? Anybody? Anybody? I will reveal the answer at the end....and if any of you are thinking: "I have never see taht movie." Wrong! We have all seen it. With that out of the way - off we go!
I only have one new picture of the children. Here they are waiting in the exam room at the vet for Cisco's appointment. They are singing "Ireland's Call" by Celtic Thunder. They are adorable.

Since I only had one new picture, I thought we would have a little stroll down memory lane. Kind of like a "Before they were stars" episode. Here we have a picture of Dianna Noell in the waiting room at Baptist Hospital when Jarod James was born. Look how small she is! Adorable!!!

Next up is Jarod James' first phot op. Look how tiny he is. He could not even crawl yet. So cute. I do not remeber him being chunky, but he is cute. I love his hair.

Last up is a picture of a sunset view we had last week. Isn't it pretty?

Well, that is all for now. We love you all and cannot wait to see you all again. We will talk at you all later. Bye-bye for now. Oh, yeah. The title is from "Yankee Doodle Dandy." The part where George was retired and the young kids came by the house and he was reading the paper. The translation reads: "Small Towns Refuse New Pictures." Anyone get it right? Love you.
I knew the answer - it was right on the tip of my ear. I almost got it right. I was praying that I wouldn't see it at the end. So I thought I'd close my eyes, but then I wouldn't have been able to see the cute pictures of the kids. Yes they are adorable. I love Jarods new mohawk. That's not chunky - but muscular differential physicality of the neuro-falicitation-bought on by new birth. Anyway thanks for the post I enjoyed them greatly. Love Dad.. How about this one? "They say that the elk in Montana is as big as a buffalo." I'll give you a hint. "Shoot, I thought you were dead. - Not hardly."
I didn't get it....but when I saw the answer I knew it right away! does that count? and I know dad's and he said I was right so let's see if anyone else gets it. Oh and I so dearly LOVE the photos of the kids; current and down memory lane....yes, cute, cute, adorably adorable! Miss you folks so much! Hope everyone can make the reunion....if not, guess dad & I'll have to come to you, a ea? and go back to the Holy Land to see what we didn't see and go back to the Magic Kingdom and see what we saw again! Love you soooo-oooo-oo much! xoxoxo mom
"The next person who tells me that I am going to shoot." Iakopo Matua. Good one Dad. Your first quote was when he and his Indian friend were sharing some jerky before the big showdown, right? Good job to both of you for getting the trivia right. We will see if any of the others get it right. Love you. Glad you enjoyed the pictures.
Nope, I didn't have a clue until finding out at the end then it kind of sounded familiar. I remember liking that movie, though.
BIG JAKE! haha, I remember teasing the motorcycle boy because he sounded like kermit the frog. "Hello father". Ha! Very good movie :) Have you ever been to Nacogdoches?? Love the new photo of the kids waiting for Cisco. Very cute singing Celtic Thunder! And wow, they were so tiny and just as beautiful as they are now :) Love you guys!
Great Job everybody! How about this one? Don't concentwate on the fingel, or you'll miss all the heavenry groly! Too easy? Mom said do another one. I couldn't stop laughing at this one.
OK - here it is look on our site for it... :)
Some Bruce Lee movie where he goes to the island as a gov't agent? Love you.
What is that heavenry grory? I'm too young! Haha! Not fair, put up some quotes that I can remember! :)
I don't know what anybody's talking about! Heee!
I LOVE the pictures of the kids when they were little stars... before their supernova days! beautiful! Dianna is so cute! Ha! And I agree about Jarod's hair. I'm going to have to go back and look at Leilei's old pictures. So sweet!
Well, i was actually looking for pictures of Dianna dressed as a teacher... I'll check again when I can!
Love you Lan!
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