Friday, April 29, 2011

Introducing The Dauntless

Here is a look at our new to us vehicle. The LORD worked a miracle in providing this vehicle for us. The children are just growing so fast that our Black Pearl was getting too small. So we were thinking about finding a bigger vehicle, but were settled in the decision that we made to wait until later this year and just trust the LORD to provide. Tuesday, Barbie found this vehicle online from the same place that we got our beloved Pearl, Enterprise Car Sales in Mobile, Alabama.  We decided to try for the car and see what happened. I called the bank and the dealership, and the LORD worked everything out that by Friday night at 8 o'clock we took possession of the Dauntless (so named for the English galleon from the first Pirates movie). The Dauntless is a 2010 Chevy Suburban. She is red in color and seats up to nine people. We are very excited about this blessing and being able to travel comfortably this summer. We love you all and cannot wait to see everyone. Alofas.


michiganSamoan said...

Amen! Looks great. Is it the fastest ship in the area? It looks really nice guys! Can't wait to ride in it.

Bless you all. Don't park it to close to the park during the games.

Love you all. Talofa Dianna, and Jarod.

Amen for the Bank that listens to the Lord.

michiganSamoan said...

ditto dad's comment...nice ride! looking forward to cruising with all of you - - - God is good! Love to all! xoxoxo mom and congratulations again! We love you!