Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Activities

Okay, my computer is working again. So here are some explanations to these photos. These pictures are of Jarod helping me work in the yard. He was such a good helper. He was following me their bubble mower all around the yard. What a cutie!!

Here Dianna is conducting an experiment in static electricity. Outcome - success!!
Back to the ball fields we go. Dianna was not feeling well so she did not get to play. Jarod got to play catcher, and he did very well. After the batter hit and the ball was in play he dashed out to the first base line and waited for the throw that was to come from the first baseman. He had a couple errors but all in all, he did an amazing job. Have I already mentioned that he has quite the arm? These next pics are from Jarod's first at-bat. He had quite a hit and here he is running like Jack Sparrow from first to second.
Check out this form! This boy is ready to run to third as soon as the ball is in play. Leading off the base! I love this child.
Here are just some cool shirts we saw a t Target. No other reason.
The children love to pet the bunnies.
Here is my boy very much focused on the video game he his playing. He was so cute. I wish you could see is little forehead all furrowed in concetration.

Well that is all for now. Talk to you all later. Hope you enjoyed the weekend activities. Love you.


michiganSamoan said...

Thanks for the wonderful pictures. My they are so good to look at.

Their baseball pictures are so professional. The petting zoo, looks really fun.

Thanks Talani. How's your legs doing? Are you taking the water and salt?

Bless you all. Dad and Mom

Talani Tupua said...

My legs are doing better, thanks. My burn is fully healed, but my knee and ankle are sore in the morning. I am trying to do the salt but only seem to get it in once - twice - a day if I am lucky. Need to do better. Love you. Barbie is doing better withe salt and water I think. Talk to you later. Love you.

michiganSamoan said...

I love the pictures! what a great week end for the kids! I agree that Jarod looks like he has a natural talent and will be a great ball player if he continues to practice and work hard! The kids are growing so fast; hard to believe that Dianna is graduating from K5 already and is having a birthday next week (by the way, her BD card will be a little late, sorry....but it'll be there). Thanks for the great posting; we always enjoy your comments and love to see how the kids are growing! Take care and love to everyone! xoxoxo mom

michiganSamoan said...

You need keep track by using a log. That way you can write down the times and amount of salt and water you need to take at each period.
You will feel a definite change and painless joints when your body becomes hydraded. It will take time. I am not fully hydraded myself, it'll probably take another couple of months, but my knees are so much better. Be faithful, and go back to the website. Do not be concern about the salt. The medical concerns are regarding the table salt. Much like white rice, vs brown rice. The sea salt has the proper minerals and stuff that the body needs.
Take your time, its free and really works.

Love you all