Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More from the Fort

Here is some more from Fort Pickens.  Such an exciting place, so rich in history!  Here are the children standing by one of the lower guns of the fort.  Jarod is demonstrating how the cannon would sound when it was fired.
The outer walls of the fort was connected to the central portions of the fort via tunnels.  Here is one of the tunnels (it was blocked off a little ways in).
Here I am with my cutie babies.  They are just adorable!
Here is a really cool feature of the fort.  The fort was built on sand; so to counteract the shifting foundation, teh engineers looked to ancient builders for the answers and utilized the "reverse arch" technique.  FOr every arch that you see around the fort, there is a reverse arch just below it.  Just as the upper arch evenly dispersed the weight of the building above the reverse arch evenly dispersed the weight into the sand and back into the base of the walls.
  This picture is just so cute.  Jarod was looking at the rifled bore of the cannon.  We had such a good time at the fort exploring.  One of our days to tour the fort we caught the tail end of a Blue Angel practice session; that was something to watch.  Love you all.  Thanks for coming along on our tour of Fort Pickens in Pensacola, FL.


michiganSamoan said...

praise the Lord, it is always good to see the sights. I'm glad you are in the picture, but now Barby's not. Aren't there any rangers of sorts that have a camera badge on their shirt?

Just kidding! Everyone looks really good. Love you all. Thanks of the great shots. It is like I am there too. Love you all. Dad an Mom

Talani Tupua said...

I think I only saw one ranger and he was in the gift shop. :) We had such a good time at the fort. Miss you guys. Love you.

michiganSamoan said...

Was there one in a bear suit?

Yogi Bear in disguise as a park ranger.

Thanks for talking... Love you all. Dad and Mom

Hi Dianna and Jarod.. remember to tell the people in charge that you want to learn archery.

michiganSamoan said...

i thought that tidbit about the reverse arches was very interesting! we can still learn so much from history....praise the Lord. Love all of the pictures....glad you folks are touring these historical sites...there's always so much to see and learn. How often do the Blue Angels put on their shows? and do they practice everyday? so cool! love and blessings to you all...especially to Jarod and Dianna and our baby....take care of yourself, glad I'll be in the mainland around the time baby arrives....looking forward to holding baby and loving up Dianna and Jarod! xooxxo alofa tele atu!

Talani Tupua said...

The Blues have a varied schedule. This is not their practice season; they cancelled the rest of their tour, sue to a mishap (nothing bad) at an air show in Pennsylvania. So they are back to get more practice. We are also excited to be able to see you this winter. Love you.